Monday, November 21, 2011


Hari tu sembang dengan kawan. Aku tanyalah apa cita-cita dia. Dia kata, "Entah. Bila besar sure nak jadi kecik balik (kurus)".

Okay lupakan yang pasal kurus tu. Tapi betul la, mesti besar nanti nak jadi kecik balik. Bila lagi nak buat perangai macam budak-budak. Tak payah pikir pasal duit, semua parents yang buat. Pegi sekolah pun boleh enjoy (che, bukan nak study.)


  •  Nanti besar, mesti rindu, bangun awal-awal nak cop shower. (Eh ye ke ?!)

Toilet pukul 5.30 a.m.

  • Rindu sangat nak jaga inspection pagi. (Err... Krek krek)
  • Rindu Mak Cik guard. Setiap weekend dengar suara dia. 

Comel je Mak Cik guard. :)
  • Rindu perhimpunan dekat dataran yang kadang-kadang tak ada pengumuman pun.
  • Rindu perhimpunan rasmi dalam dewan yang berjam-jam tanpa kipas.

OKAY SEMUA TU TAK RINDU PUN. Tapi ada jugak yang rindu..

  •  Rindu Outing. Keluar dengan korang sangat best. Ye la, bila lagi nak keluar dengan budak Wilayah, Perak, Selangor, Sarawak (eh siapakah ?)

  • Rindu prep malam... Okay walaupun prep ni tujuan untuk study, tapi kiteorang tak study pun. Setiap malam mesti ada je programnya. Kelas 4AJZ la paling bising. Tapi... bila cikgu datang, che pura-pura belajar.

  •  Rindu dorm.. Okay walaupun jarang lepak dorm, tapi situ la tempat simpan barang, jaga inspection, dan di situ la tempat aku jumpa KD tersayang.. (cough..cough) 

  • Rindu riadah.. Walaupun orang lain tak suka riadah, tapi aku suka. (okay sometimes ada la tidur dalam surau atau tidur kat dorm tapi tu bila penat je.. )Ye la. Bila lagi nak ber-riadah ? Harapan la nak riadah kat rumah.

  • Rindu BP 17, 18, 29.. Sorry la kalau selalu tumpang katil korang.. Hehe.. Its not what, dah biasa sangat tidur dengan korang.

  • Rindu makan sama-sama dengan budak-budak aspuri. Tak kisah la maggi ke, pama ke, coklat ke, kuaci pun pernah. Sangat best, kongsi-kongsi makanan. Rasa macam kiteorang ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY. :)
    Makanan aku jadi mangsa

    •  Rindu kelas 4 AJZ ! Korang bapak best la. Walaupun gila-gila, tapi baik hati. Kat kelas ni banyak jenis orang ada. 
    1. Yang alim ada. (BADAR)
    2. Yang nakal ada. (TAIKO TABLE termasuk lah f***y dgn b***t.)
    3. Yang rajin belajar ada (sorang je)
    4. Yang bising ada (aku la tu ada la sorang budak tu, tak tau anak sape.)
    5. Yang suka tidur ada.
    6. Yang ada cengkerang pun ada..

    Ada banyak lagi yang aku mesti rindu, tapi itu je yang aku ingat.. Nak, tak nak, mesti rindu SABDA jugak. Terima je la hakikat. I LOVE SABDA.. :')

      Saturday, November 19, 2011

      AZAM BARU !!

      Tak sangka dah abis form 4. Tahun depan SPM. XP

      So... Kena la ada azam untuk tahun depan. Antaranya :

      1. Saya nak jadi seorang muslimah solehah. 

      Hari tu kena marah dengan cikgu. Cikgu kata tudung pendek sangat. Siap kena panggil ke depan, depan orang ramai. Malu gila.. Nasib baik cikgu tak suruh buat demo ke apa ke.. Lepas ni nak beli tudung saiz XL.
      Dalam kelas pulak, nak kurang bercakap. (Shutting my mouth is hard! )

      KEMALUAN !!

      2. Nak jadi budak matang :D

      Orang selalu kata, "Nana, ko ni tak matang la".
      Tapi tahun depan, hehe.. Kita tengok siapa yang tak matang.


      3. Nak jadi lemah lembut :P

      Datang sekolah SABDA, macam jadi lagi ganas je. So, nak transform jadi lemah lembut. Jalan perlahan. Cakap pun macam nak tak nak. Hehe..


      Kat sekolah, asyik-asyik cakap pasal laki. Penat la.. Diri sendiri tak terurus, nak cakap pasal orang lain.. Lepas ni, focus study je.. Huhu.. Senang sikit hidup.


      Amacam ??
      InsyaAllah semua ni dapat dilakukan.. hehe. :)

      Monday, October 24, 2011

      What I Learn

      I learn a lot of things in school. Not only to pass exams but about life.

      I learn that life is like a lollipop. Its sweet so enjoy it as long as it last.


      Life is like an ice cream. Enjoy it before it melts.


      Life is like a box of popcorn. It is unexpected.

      Life is like a snicker bar. Its nutty and sticky.


      Life is like a fairytale (snow white). You have to pick the right choices.


      And......... Life is like a sandwich. Its crusty on the outside, but yummy on the inside. :)


      Tuesday, June 7, 2011

      LETS GO GREEN !!

       Our Earth as we know it is coming to an end. What with all the pollution and stuff..

      There are million  of ways to go green :


      1. Save Electricity.
      When you're not in the room, turn off all your electrical appliances. 
      Using electricity wisely helps to conserve natural resources and reduces the impact energy use has on the environment.

      2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
      The most common thing you hear about, but yet still not doing it.
      Reduce the amount of waste you create. Reuse items that are laying around your house for different purposes.  And Recycle paper, glasses and tins.

      3. No Plastic Bag
      Plastic bags take a long time to decompose. So instead of using plastic bags, use some other thing such as paper bags.

      4. Use Public Transports
      Use public transports, to reduce the increasing carbon dioxide emissions.  

      5. Plant More Trees.
      We should lend a helping hand to plant more trees...
      And for the fun off it, when the trees are big enough, GO AND HUG IT.
       And if you're lucky enough, the tree might hug you back. Cause mother nature will love back those who love her. <3
       And if we don't plant trees, our future generation might not even get to see a tree !!

      So GO GREEN, not only for ourselves, but also for our future generation. Cause we might not blame ourselves but our children will blame us.

      p/s : there are many more ways to GO GREEN.. so have the effort to do it..

      Sunday, June 5, 2011

      A Word Or Two

      It's been a blast hanging with my classmates, dorm mates, Syaf and Idot and Citrine-s, Najlaa, Ayuni, Wanie, Faa, Sue, Yan, Iman and many others. But i'm trying my best not to break into tears when i think my previous exam.. I've done my best, but my best is just not good enough. But this holiday, our addmath teacher didn't think we need a break from our exam when he gave us 2 modules to complete ! But me, being stubborn has made up my mind to wait until last minute. Not to mention having to memorise the shelf order in the library as I am a librarian. Haihh... Can life get any better ??

      Before Our Teachers Enter Our Class

      we are such good students trying to keep quiet. O:)


      Our English teacher, Sir Malek with some of my classmates, waiting patiently.

      Can we start now ???

      Patient onlookers looking just like ants from above


      Hard Work Would Pay Some Day